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Tamara Hanscom

I absolutely love doing energy work on people. The two types I do are Quantum Touch and Reiki. If somebody’s in pain, I want to put my hands on them and try to help them feel better!

Back in 2002 I went to see a presentation by Richard Gordon. He wrote the book Quantum Touch – The Power to Heal. He asked who had chronic pain that was in the audience. There was a lady that had shoulder pain for many years. He called her up and worked on her for about 15 minutes and her pain was gone. I was fascinated. I knew I had to learn this!

I then became certified in 2004, and have enjoyed it so much over the years. I have worked on a variety of ailments, all with great success. Issues such as injured rotator cuff, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel, headaches, back issues, scoliosis, neck issues, knee pain, tiredness, numbness in fingers, arthritis, headaches.

In 2015, I became Reiki certified. Reiki is so special and healing. Quantum touch is specifically for pain in the body. Reiki is more for just feeling great and overall balance. It can get rid of pain too.

I look forward to touching the lives of those that are interested in getting energy work with me!

Once you purchase a session, please call Tam at 916-798-8476 to schedule the appointment.

Book a Reiki Session ($120)

Radiant Light Healing Center

Address and E-Mail

[email protected]

2355 Gold Meadow Way,
Suite #110
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Hours and Phone

Tues 10am-6pm
Wed, Fri & Sat 10am-4pm
Thurs 10am-6pm
Sunday & Monday Closed

Phone Number: 916-631-1591

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Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Energy Enhancement System does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Energy Enhancement System are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

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